CDA’s team of licensed professional Civil Engineers and technical staff possess a wealth of experience, drawn from a wide variety of projects; public and private, small and large. With creativity and commitment, we draw upon that experience and combine it with understanding of the latest methods, materials, and technologies to develop innovative, efficient, successful and sustainable projects.
Perhaps in no greater way is a community’s public realm represented and experienced than in its parks and open spaces. These spaces are common ground where people gather to socialize, play, relax, experience community and enhance their lives. How a community embraces its recreational open spaces and their diverse users reflects its sense of community pride, and quality of life.
At CDA we understand that Land Planning is much more than maximizing the yield on a particular parcel of land. Although yield is of primary importance, other factors, such as accelerated absorption, premium values, infrastructure efficiency, sustainability, end-user satisfaction, and developer and community reputation, contribute to the ultimate value and success of a project.
Land Surveying is an integral part of Civil Design Advantage. The combination of experienced, well-trained individuals using the latest surveying technology provides efficient and accurate service. We also understand the priority of responsive service. CDA will contribute to the success of a project through collaboration, communication and timely response.
Automatic Grade Control is quickly becoming the norm instead of the exception. CDA offers digital data preparation for Machine Control systems. Preparation begins with digital or paper copies of design plans then converting them into files compatible with earthmoving equipment, using AutoCAD grading software.
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