Topographic Survey
Boundary Survey
Preliminary and Final Design
DNR Permitting
Storm Water Management Plan
The Woodland Reserve is a 120-acre planned unit development located east of Highway 69 and north of NE 36th Street in Ankeny, Iowa. CDA performed the conceptual planning and site engineering tasks associated with the development of The Woodland Reserve.
The development features a variety of land uses and residential homes. Major planning objectives were land use transition and compatibility with surrounding uses, preservation of the natural woodlands, and creation of a livable neighborhood. The conceptual master plan also illustrates the priority given to traffic and pedestrian circulation within the neighborhood.
Additional features of the site include ponds, natural woodlands, landscaping, boulevards, entry-features, and interconnecting pedestrian walkways. Enhanced street lighting, street signage, and a cluster mailbox system to enhance curb-appeal and promote the neighborhood setting was implemented. Street trees along NE Trilein were planted as a part of the initial development to provide an immediate site enhancement.
A variety of homes will be provided in The Woodland Reserve. The residential homes will vary from multiple-family condominiums to large lot detached single-family homes.